Sunday, January 18, 2009


Ahhh, the playoffs. As I sit here I am watching the Cardinals/Eagles game for the NFC title. I'm rooting for the Cardinals. I actually don't have too much of a preference for either of the teams but Kurt Warner is HOT. So, the Cardinals it is. I'm rooting for the Steelers for the AFC title this afternoon... but that's because I actually like them. I'd easily put them in my top 10 teams in the NFL.

Anyhow, I need to make a playlist. I've been having some difficulty thinking about a good topic. So, I decided to cheat - a little. This next playlist is less of an editorial statement than it is just a list of some of the songs that have inspired the most obsessive listening. I know it is HIGHLY unlike me to obsess over something. I am usually so even keeled and moderate. I don't obsess, over analyze, over think, or anxiously reflect on anything, ever. Ah, sarcasm is one of my favorite forms of humor.

I'll call it the OCD Playlist. It's full of songs that I will listen to, and then somehow find myself repeatedly hitting the "back" button on my iPod untl I've listened to the song at least 4-5 times and in some extreme cases, 10+ times. A lot of these are more from several years ago. That's because I've done a lot better job as of late in diversifying the music I listen to.

Out of My League - Stephen Speaks
Calling You - Blue October
So Close - Jon McLaughlin
What Sara Said - Death Cab for Cutie
Jesus - Brand New
Dustland Fairytale - The Killers (This is a fairly recent obsession, but it was severe and therefore qualifies)
Hanging By a Moment - Lifehouse
Hurricane - Something Corporate
Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape - Underoath
Giving it Away - Mae
You Have My Attention - Copeland
Oh My God - Jars of Clay
Paperthin Hymn - Anberlin
Endlessly - Muse
Fidelity - Regina Spektor

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