Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Valentine's Day Songs

So, I was basically a cliche yesterday, which annoys me. I purposely learned to like Valentine's Day because I think it's cliche and stupid for single people to dislike it. Blah, blah, it's a Hallmark holiday, blah, blah Single Awareness Day, blah, blah get a new joke. I did have a good day. I even enjoyed it, immensely. However, my choice of activities, upon reflection, was quite cliche. After running a couple errands in the late afternoon, I picked up some take out Chinese food, and chilled at home. Alone. Watching love movie marathons on USA and TBS. With my cat. Crap. Did I somehow become a character in a chick flick romantic comedy without knowing it?

Whatever, I don't mind. I really like chicken fried rice, so there. And so what if I sat around in sweatpants and watched three romantic comedies in a row that made me cry while my cat Tony Gonzalez (Gonzo for short) curled up next to me? I wasn't wallowing in self pity by any means. I actually LIKE being single. I'm content. It's not a problem that needs a solution, but rather a state of being that should be enjoyed. It's a season of life that I (hopefully?) won't have forever, and therefore I make the best out of it. So, I enjoyed it. That being said, on to music. I got an iTunes giftcard from my mom, and I spent it (and then some) on some great new music.

My purchases are as follows (in Artist - Album format):
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
The All American Rejects - When The World Comes Down

Yeah, that last album doesn't really fit in - but they're fun and I enjoy them, so judge if you must. I can take it. I'm confident enough in my musical tastes that it doesn't bother me what you think.

I've also downloaded some other great stuff recently, and purchased a couple of other great albums via iTunes and, uh, Target.

This week's playlist isn't going to be as much of a playlist as it is going to be a top 10 list of favorite recent downloads and purchases.

Top 10 recent downloads/purchases (in no particular order)
My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson (I'm a sucker for a Kelly song - that's the truth)
A Teenager in Love - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart (it's not as cheesy as it sounds, actually)
The Horror of our Love - Ludo (the lyrics are weird, bizarre, over the top, and kind of hot)
Your Protector - Fleet Foxes (it's sweet)
Gives You Hell - The All American Rejects (again, judge if you must)
Innocence - The Airborne Toxic Event (the strings in the intro to this song almost move me to tears)
Boys Better - The Dandy Warhols (I'm just now starting to get into this band)
Everything With You - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart (Normally I try not to double up a band on a playlist, but this is ok because I'm only talking about recent purchases/downloads)
White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes (This group is very folksy. I like it.)
Another Heart Calls - The All American Rejects (it's a duet with a chick band - the Pierces I believe - and it's very pretty)

So that's it. Music is my Valentine. I love ALL of my new music.

1 comment:

Adam Truax said...

Since you love the Fleet Foxes (I do as well) you should check out Andrew Bird, Bon Iver, and Sun Kil Moon. Bon Iver has totally blown me away lately, I can't stop listening.