Friday, December 19, 2008

Rose Colored Glasses

I'm an optimist. I like seeing problems as opportunities. I think that good can be found in nearly everything. I have no problem being considered somewhat of a Pollyanna. I prefer to believe the best about people until they've given me reason not to do so. This doesn't make me any less intelligent or mature than others; it just makes me hopeful. So, in the spirit of optimism, I've created this playlist. Of course, it's entitled "Rose Colored Glasses" due to the sunny side up nature of the songs!

Beautiful World - Tim Myers
Be Gentle With Me - The Boy Least Likely To
Brand New Day - Joshua Radin
Hope for the Hopeless - A Fine Frenzy
Dream - Priscilla Ahn
Buildings and Mountains - The Republic Tigers
Charmed Life - Leigh Nash
All in All - Lifehouse
Soundtrack for Our Movie - Mae
In The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
Brighter than Sunshine - Aqualung
Hold Me Now - The Polyphonic Spree

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